Parent / Guardian Resources

The Migrant Parent Advisory Council exists to educate parents to become strong advocates of their children’s education and leaders in their communities as well as responsible and culturally sensitive citizens.

The KSMEP has organized dozens of important tools and resources for every level of student – from preschool to high school to out-of-school youth (OSY). Use the Portal to easily access lessons and activities for each student as appropriate.

Migratory children who are ages 3 or 4 should be provided services through existing preschools operated by LEAs, Headstarts, etc., if appropriate. The KSMEP helps to ensure all ages of migratory children receive services.

Visit the Student Page for additional information about health, scholarship opportunities, and other resources.
This Q&A document and glossary of terms from the Migration Policy Institute help families understand the standardized tests that English Language Learners take. The glossary of key terms defines words used frequently in conversations about K-12 education and ELs in the United States. Both documents are available in English and Spanish.